Mappedin Directory
Empower visitors to search and discover your venue
Mappedin Directory does more than provide intuitive wayfinding for your visitors. Highlight the amenities your venue offers, including transit and movie listing information, restaurant reservations, and quick links to drive users to helpful websites and mobile apps to enhance their overall experience.
Seamless wayfinding and discovery
Intuitive experience: Ensure visitors can plan their route and head off in the right direction for an enjoyable experience.
Complete interactivity: Allow visitors to pan around the map and familiarize themselves with your venue.
Hand-off to mobile: For long routes, enable visitors to take directions with them through the Mobile Pass feature, making it easy to go from digital signage to mobile device.
Revenue generation
Multiple ad spots: Showcase full screen ads or ads within the directory experience and create awareness opportunities.
Flexible integration: Mappedin Directory can either work with your current DooH advertising provider or Mappedin CMS to manage your ads.
Per directory scheduling: Set different ad loops and schedules for different directories based on usage insights and analytics.
Insights and analytics
Analyze search data: See what locations your visitors are searching for most and top missed searches to inform business decisions.
View top category selections: Gain an understanding for the services and amenities your visitors are expecting.
Track usage patterns by directory: Analyze all directory data at a per directory level to see how the placement of your screens changes visitor behavior.
Flexible software to meet your hardware
Multiple screen sizes: Mappedin Directory is responsive and is designed to work with screens that range in size from 32 inches up to 90 inches.
Portrait and landscape orientation: User experience that is tailored for both portrait and landscape screen orientations, providing a consistent experience across both.
Robust partner network for hardware: While we don’t sell hardware, we’re happy to recommend one of the many preferred hardware partners we’ve worked with.